Hokey pokey is a flavour of ice cream made in New Zealand. It is their second favourite ice cream flavour, after vanilla! It is basically still vanilla ice cream, but it has small pieces of crispy toffee in it. But why is it called Hokey Pokey? Some people say that hokey pokey was a slang word for ice cream.
They believe that it carne from the ice cream sellers, who were often of Italian origin. They used to shout something that sounded like hokey pokey to people whose language wasn't Italian.
One of New Zealand's unique drinks is L&P, which is short for Lemon and Paeroa. The name comes from the town of Paeroa, where residents discovered a natural spring with refreshing water. They added lemon for flavour - and L&P was born! These days the mineral water from Paeroa is no longer used in the drink, but the same minerals mean that the flavour is unchanged. In Paeroa itself, they have built a statue of a giant bottle of L&P to celebrate the origin of New Zealand's famous drink.
Pavlova is a kind of dessert. It is made with meringue, which is made from beaten egg whites and sugar that are baked slowly in the oven to form a white shell that is crisp on the outside and soft on the inside. It is traditionally decorated with cream and fresh fruit - strawberries, peaches and kiwifruit.
The dessert is named after the famous Russian ballet dancer, Anna Pavlova. The story goes that the dessert was created in a hotel in Wellington, after Anna Pavlova's visit there in 1926. The hotel chef was impressed by her ballet dress-a white tutu, decorated in green silk roses. So he designed the dessert to look like a tutu, and used kiwifruit to represent the green silk roses.